dinsdag 29 juni 2010

Kurdish Canadia Action

Kurdish Canadia Action

We ask that you submit the petition below to Prime Minister Stephan Herper so that these issues can be raised at the G-20 Summit in ,Toronto on june 26-27,2010.

The Right Honorable Steven Harper Prime Minister Governement of Canada

As you know,minorities and people of differant faith are still being mistreated in Turkey.More than twenty million Kurds as well as other minorities one not recognized and are not free to preserve their language and culture.

The oppression and mistread of Kurds cuset an armed opposition in 1984.Six times inconditional ceasefires were invited by the Kurds during the post eighteen years, with hopes of encouraging the governement to find peaceful solution of the kurdish ussue.Turkey`s denial and unwillgers to resolve the conflict has heightened tensions and left the region powerty deteriotion.

Since the March 29,2009 municipal elections,Turkish Governement officials arrested over one tousend five hudred elected Kurdish representatives,mayors,intellectuels and humamnrights activists.They have been in jail without due diligence or trial.

-As unacceptable as it is,four hundred and four kurdish children killed by the Turkish military and police since 1993 and today,about three tousend Kurdish children(aged 6 to 17)are in jail.
-Unjustifiably,these children are being threated as addults and charged with the terrorismen.many of them sentenced to jail terms of up twenty-five years.Just for being,at demonstrations with their families.The punishment in not acceptable in civilized nations.Instead of being in schools and plandgrounds,these children are kept in jails.The Turkish Prime Miister Recep Tayyib Erdogan remain silent for the crimes that his governement continues to commit against Kurdish childrens.The Turkish Prime minister`s silence was never been challenged on the world stage.
-On a concernend citiziens,I am asking that you use the opportunity of the G-20 Summit agenda by raising the following isssues.
-Immediate realese of Kurdish children from jails and assistance for them to schools.
-Immediate release of detained mayors,elected officials and humanrights activits.
-Recognition of the Kurds in the constitution
-Guarente the rights and fredoms of all minorities,includens protection to practica one`s faith,and
-Ending military operations,protecting the innocent children,and finding a peaceful solution to the Kurdish conflict.
-I would like to think in advence four your cosideration.I look forward to seeng you present the concerns of the Canadian Citizens as expressed above at the G-20 Summit.


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